Christmas Take Out Gift Box
Put an Asian inspired twist on your gift wrapping this year with a Christmas Take Out Gift Box. This is one of the most inexpensive and unique ways to wrap a gift that you'll see this year, and the look is fun for all ages. Be thrifty with your Christmas gift ideas and create something unexpected that everyone will enjoy seeing. Next time you order take out, be sure to save the boxes so you can create a whole set of these DIY Christmas gift boxes for all of your friends and family.
- plain take out box
- wrapping paper or scrapbook paper
- mod podge
- foam brush
- ribbon
- scissors
- white felt
- cardboard
- spool of thread
- bling
- old sparkly eye makeup
- hot glue gun and hot glue stick
Trace around the takeout box onto the paper
Cut paper to fit the front and back of the take out box (the sides without the handle)
OR Cut out elements from the paper and arrange them to fit on your take out box
Using your foam brush, apply mod podge to the front of the take out box. Adhere the paper to the box
Repeat this step for the other side
Allow to dry completely
Crush old makeup and mix with a small amount of mod podge
Apply a coat of eye makeup and mod podge mixture to the paper
Allow to dry completely
Brush plain mod podge to the handle. Wrap ribbon around the handle so that the entire handle is covered with ribbon
Allow to dry completely
Create the base for a snowflake template by tracing the end of a spool of thread onto cardboard. Cut out round template from cardboard
Using the round cardboard template from the previous step, cut out 4 circles from your white felt
Cut wedges into your white felt circles to make snowflake shapes
Using your hot glue gun, attach snowflakes to your takeout box with bling in the middle
- Tie ribbon on the handle as a finishing touch
How to Make a Christmas Take Out Gift Box:
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