Paula Gaumer Tooke
Hi to all of you crafty people out there on the World Wide Web. My name is Paula Gaumer Tooke. I hate using my maiden name as part of my name, but I married late in life and most people know me by my maiden name. Or, they know me as The Fur~Babies Momma, thanks to my multiple “fur~children.”
But, enough formality . . . I am a SAHMOFB. If you have never seen that, it means I am a Stay At Home Mom of Fur~Babies. But, that has only been since 2006 when I retired after 34 years of teaching Middle School students. Yes, pick yourself off the floor. . I am one of those teachers who love Middle School . . . well, I loved 6th graders and if I wanted to teach them, I had to take the whole middle school age group.
I have been crocheting for over 51 years. Granted, for quite a few of the early years all I could do was make a chain, but when I decided to go to college, I wanted a ripple blanket and thus, I learned to make a chain into a useful afghan. And from there, I was in love with the art.
While I was teaching, my crocheting was on the back burner . . . I made and designed Cross Stitch instead. But, the summer I retired I was sent invitations to 5, count them, one, two, three, four, FIVE Baby Showers and they all were people for which I wanted to make something special. So, out came the hooks and yarn and my hands have been busy ever since.
Now, designs just “POP” into my mind and I try to interpret them into workable designs . . . some work and some get put in, what Dad called, “File 13.” Hopefully, you will enjoy the designs I have that I have added to All Free Christmas Crafts.
Please join me at my Crochet and Cross Stitch Pattern blog, The Fur~Babies Momma. Anyone with, or without, fur all over their clothes is welcome!
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